How to Make Green Coffee from Raw Coffee Beans

green coffee beans, raw coffee beans, unroasted coffee beans

The potential health benefits of unroasted coffee beans are well documented.  In fact, there’s evidence to suggest that green coffee beans could be packed with even more beneficial compounds than roasted coffee beans.

Not to mention, the elevated caffeine content of raw coffee beans – one of the more desirable properties for those in need of a kick of energy.

In terms of how to make green coffee from unroasted coffee beans, there are just as many options available as when brewing regular coffee. However, the basic preparation method outlined below is just about as simple as it gets, though nonetheless ideal for putting your green coffee beans to good use.

Ingredients for each serving:

Raw coffee preparation process:

  1. The first step in the process is to ensure that your green coffee beans have been soaked overnight, prior to putting them to use. This is why most people tend to make larger batches of green coffee at the same time, rather than single servings on demand.
  2. When your raw coffee beans have been soaked, you can then place them directly into the required amount of water in a pot and slowly bring to the boil. Let the mixture simmer very gently for around 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  3. When the time has elapsed, take the mixture off the heat and give it about an hour or so to cool down. You can then pour the mixture through a strainer or sieve to get rid of the unroasted coffee beans and any residual debris.
  4. What you’re left with at this stage is a concentrated green coffee solution, which you can then add hot or cold water to in accordance with your tastes. Enjoying it undiluted is also an option, but chances are it will be very potent in terms of its caffeine content.

As with all coffee brewing processes, the key to success when working with raw coffee beans lies in experimentation. Feel free to try various different concentrations and different types of green coffee beans, in order to come up with your perfect final product.

Green Coffee Hybrid

Rounding off with an interesting idea to try out, why not try mixing different quantities of raw coffee beans and roasted coffee beans in the same brew?

Combining the two can result in a brew that brings together the best of both worlds, which again opens the door to limitless experimentation. The same can also be said for optional extras in your green coffee – cardamom in particular is a popular choice for complementing the flavor of unroasted coffee.

Once again, just be sure to proceed with a small amount of caution, if it’s your first time experimenting with unroasted coffee beans. As delicious and healthy as it can be, green coffee has a tendency to deliver the kind of ‘kick’ that often takes even seasoned coffee connoisseurs by surprise!

At Hayman’s online coffee store, you will find the world’s finest green coffee beans, including legendary coffees such as Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, best Kona coffee Hawaii, and Panama Geisha coffee beans (also called Gesha coffee). Click here to order today and benefit from free worldwide shipping!