Hario V60 Coffee FAQs: Your Questions Answered

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If this is your first time coming across the concept of Hario V60 coffee, fear not. It may sound like something quite technical, but it’s actually one of the simplest approaches to brewing coffee you’ll ever encounter.

To clarify a few basics for newcomers, here’s a brief FAQ covering a selection of important queries about the Hario V60:

What is V60 Coffee?

V60 coffee is a term used in reference to coffee brewed using the V60 Coffee Maker – a simple yet effective device made by Hario. It takes its name from the fact that it comes in a basic ‘V’ shape, using the standard pour over coffee brewing method to produce fantastic results in no time at all.

Is V60 Coffee Stronger?

What’s great about this brewing method is the way in which it gives you total control over the resulting cup of coffee. You can experiment with finer grinds, different quantities of coffee and so on, in order to adjust the strength and body of the coffee you brew.

What is the Difference Between V60 and Chemex?

Both of these coffee makers use the same basic extraction mechanism, but the V60 uses a much finer filter for a slower extraction process and a cleaner cup of coffee.

Do You Add Milk to V60 Coffee?

That’s entirely up to you, but purists would argue that if you’re going to take the time to brew a fantastic cup of coffee, there’s no point then ‘spoiling’ it with additives. Though frankly, it’s entirely up to you how you enjoy your coffee, so go for it!

Why Does My V60 Drain so Fast?

If your V60 is draining too fast, it suggests that your coffee grounds are too course. This can therefore be remedied quite simply, by trying again with the finer coffee grounds. It’s always better to grind your own where possible, rather than buying pre-ground coffee.

Why is My V60 Coffee Sour?

Interestingly, sour-taste in coffee brewed with a V60 is often attributed to using water that is too cool. This can also result in a taste that is almost salty, suggesting that you may be waiting too long after boiling to pour the water over the grounds. Try using water that is a little hotter and see if it makes a difference.

Can You Use Ground Coffee in V60?

Almost all store-bought ground coffee has a relatively similar coarseness, which cannot be adjusted in accordance with the subsequent brewing method. While it is therefore technically fine to use pre-ground coffee with a V60 device, you will find yourself with very little control over the resulting cup of coffee. Where possible, grinding your own beans is the way to go.

What is the Ideal Hario V60 Coffee-to-Water Ratio?

That’s up to you to decide, as this is what will have the biggest impact of all over the strength and body of the coffee you brew. Nevertheless, starting out with a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:15 is a good starting point, which means using 15g of water for every 1g of coffee.

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