Keurig Single Serve Coffee Maker: Can I Recycle My K Cups?

Understandably, sustainability has always been a big issue on the minds of Keurig single serve coffee maker owners. The Keurig K Cup coffee maker has not always been associated with eco-friendliness, having been around since 1992.
For some time, Keurig K Cup pods could not be disposed of in a responsible manner. Their material composition made it impossible to recycle them, confining them instead to landfills.
Consequently, the Keurig coffee maker became associated with potentially environmental harm. But as the popularity of Keurig K Cups grew, so did the company’s efforts to become sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Where Are We Now With K Cups?
As a basic overview of where we are right now with Keurig K Cups, here’s what the company itself has to say about its recyclable K Cup journey:
“As of November 2021, we entered the next stage of our recyclable K-Cup® pod journey with the introduction of EASY-PEEL lid technology on select items. EASY-PEEL lids feature a built-in tab that makes it simple and convenient to peel off and discard the foil lid. Then simply compost or dispose of the grounds before placing your K-Cup® pod into recycling. EASY-PEEL lids are the next major step in making K-Cup® pod recycling prep easier for you.”
“Since the end of 2020, 100% of Keurig® K-Cup® pods are recyclable. We’ve spent years completing intensive testing, development, and supply chain transition to produce a product that is not only recyclable, but can actually be recycled. We chose polypropylene (#5 plastic) because it is widely accepted for curbside recycling in a majority of communities across North America and there is growing demand for it as a recycled material. Imagine the possibilities of what your empty recyclable K-Cup® pod could become next!”
While it may have taken some time to come about, the simple truth is that all Keurig single serve coffee pods are now recyclable. This means that all official K Cup pods that come from the manufacturer itself are composed entirely of materials that are compatible with the standard recycling systems of most communities across the US.
Commitment to Environmental Concerns
Taking things a step further, Keurig also released the following statement regarding its efforts to support sustainability:
“In addition to converting 100% of K-Cup pods to the recyclable format, KDP has intensified its efforts to ensure that recycling facilities across the U.S. have the capability to recycle polypropylene. In 2020, with a $10 million commitment, KDP became a Founding Member and the largest funder of The Recycling Partnership's Polypropylene Recycling Coalition ("The Coalition"), a collaborative of 18 organizations, including fellow steering committee members Braskem, the Walmart Foundation and the NextGen Consortium, dedicated to increasing the quantity and quality of polypropylene recycling in the U.S.”
All of which means you can now enjoy your favorite K Cup coffee in total confidence, knowing you’re doing your bit for the environment in the process.
In the meantime, click here to learn more about our fresh roasted Kona coffee, Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee and Panama Geisha coffee, considered by many to be among the best coffee in the world, and now also available as coffee pods compatible with Keurig single serve coffee maker (including Keurig 2.0 models)*. Order now, we offer free worldwide shipping!