The Ultimate Caffeine Quiz: True or False? (Part 1)

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You’re a seasoned coffee connoisseur, you know your way around a bag of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans and you can tell a quality cup when you taste it. You could even be proficient with every imaginable Jamaican coffee brewing method there is, from the weird to the well and truly wonderful.

But how much do you actually know about the caffeine in your favorite cup of Jamaican coffee? Or for that matter, any other coffee you enjoy?

Truth is, caffeine is one of the biggest subjects of myth and misunderstanding where coffee is concerned. You know it’s in there and you’ve a basic idea what it does, at least in terms of giving you that welcome early-morning energy-boost.

However, this is often where caffeine-based trivia comes to an end for most.  Precisely why we thought we’d put together an insightful caffeine quiz - food for thought, while enjoying your next batch of Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee beans!

Read on and find out whether the chatter you’ve heard about caffeine over the years is indeed true or false:

1) Caffeine is Addictive - False

First up, caffeine is not considered addictive in the conventional sense. In some people, the overconsumption of caffeine can lead to a form of physical dependence, though with comparatively mild symptoms that are rarely life affecting. Examples of which include irritability, fatigue and headaches - all associated with caffeine withdrawal. But in terms of causing major harm to a person’s health or altering their behavior in the same way as street drugs or alcohol, the answer is no - caffeine is not classified as an addictive substance.

2) Caffeine Can Protect You from Certain Diseases - True

If ever there was a fantastic reason to treat yourself to your favorite Jamaican coffee, this is it. The health benefits associated with moderate caffeine consumption include protection against Parkinson’s disease, gallstones, and cardiovascular disease and even diabetes. It’s not a silver-bullet preventative method for such conditions outright, but can apparently make quite the difference as part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

3) Caffeine Should be Eliminated Entirely During Pregnancy - False (For Most)

Cutting down on caffeine consumption during pregnancy is recommended by most doctors. This is due to the fact that caffeine can elevate the heart rate, which is best avoided while pregnant. In addition, the overconsumption of caffeine has been associated with heightened risks of various complications during pregnancy. However, most doctors advise cutting down on caffeine, but not eliminating it entirely. The best bet is therefore to consult with your doctor, in order to find out what’s best for you.

4) Caffeine Quantity is Never the Same from One Cup to the Next - True

You’d be forgiven for thinking that if you buy the same cup of coffee from the same place at the same time of day, you’d be getting the same quantity of caffeine each time. In reality, this isn’t the case at all. In fact, a recent study found that when the same order was placed at the same coffee shop six days in a row, the caffeine content in each cup varied from 259 mg to more than 560 mg. If you’ve ever got a much bigger buzz than expected from a coffee you know well, now you know why!

Stay tuned for the second half of our two-part caffeine quiz, coming soon…

In the meantime, you can visit Hayman’s online coffee store, where you will find the best coffee beans in the world, including the famous Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. Click here to order today, we offer free worldwide shipping!