How to Pick the Perfect Percolator for You

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Image Credits: Euro Cuisine


One of the most appealing properties of a percolator is its simplicity.  Percolators have been around for generations and remain a staple in coffee-loving households worldwide.

With this kind of simplicity, you’d expect shopping for a percolator to be a simple task. In reality, you’re more likely to find yourself overwhelmed by the sheer range of options available. From traditional stovetop percolators to the more advanced electric devices on the market, there’s no shortage of options to explore.

Here’s how to narrow things down to a shortlist of quality coffee percolators from the limitless options available:

1) Consider Long-Term Value for Money

While it can be tempting to pick up the cheapest device on the shelves, it’s better to prioritize long-term value for money. A good percolator is something you will only ever need to buy once, with the potential to last a lifetime. That is, just as long as you buy a quality percolator that’s built to last in the first place.

2) Automated vs Manual

This is purely a case of personal preference, as both options have the capacity to brew perfect coffee. However, an automated or electric percolator is a much more technologically sophisticated device, with a shorter overall lifespan.  Whichever of the two you choose, pick a quality device from a reputable brand to ensure reliable long-term performance.

3) Your Coffee Drinking Habits

If you only consume one small cup of coffee per day, you don’t need a particularly large percolator. If you brew coffee multiple times a day for several people at the same time, you’ll need something with a bigger capacity. Percolators can brew anything from one to 12 cups at a time, so ensure you pick something that suits your coffee drinking habits.

4) Special Features

Modern percolators often bring a wide variety of special features and added extras into the mix. Some of which include machines that can be programmed to start brewing at a specific time, shut off when finished and hold coffee at the perfect temperature. None of which are technically ‘essential’ features for a percolator, but can be quite convenient.

5) Accessibility and Cleaning

Essential to take into account, as some coffee percolators can be an absolute nightmare to clean. The same applies to all coffee makers across the board, which in some instances are practically inaccessible. As the cleanliness of a percolator directly impacts the quality of its output, ensuring it is easy to keep clean is a must.

6) Reviews and Recommendations

Last but not least, you can always verify the quality and performance of a percolator by way of customer reviews. Feedback from those who have purchased and used it themselves can be worth its weight in gold. If the general consensus points to a reliable appliance at an affordable price, that’s probably what you’re looking at. Where a percolator hasn’t earned the most glowing feedback, it may be better to set your sights on something else.

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