Four Factors That Influence the Quality of Coffee

Have you ever wondered why the coffee you enjoy in your favorite café always tastes better than the coffee you brew at home? If so, the information and insights in this two-part post could be enlightening.
Even the most committed coffee lovers routinely find themselves struggling to replicate their favorite coffee house cups. They come up with decent approximations of barista-poured coffee at home, but never quite hit the nail on the head.
The question is – what is it about your own approach to brewing coffee at home that’s so different to that of a professional setting? Is there anything you can do to brew barista-quality coffee at home, or is it largely out of your hands?
Brewing truly flawless coffee every time lies in building a detailed knowledge and understanding of the main factors that influence coffee. Four of which are explained below, followed by a further five in our next post:
1) Freshness of the Coffee Beans
Irrespective of the quality of the coffee beans you buy, freshness is everything. You could set yourself up with the best Kona coffee beans money can buy and still brew a disappointing cup, if they’re past their prime. Particularly when shopping for premium commodities like Hawaiian coffee, you need to ensure that they are as fresh as it gets. Ideally, the beans you buy should be roasted to order, meaning your Hawaiian coffee beans are roasted at the very last minute, before being shipped to your door.
2) Freshness of the Grind
Likewise, the quality of the best Kona coffee Hawaii produces (and any other gourmet coffee) can be compromised by grinding too early. As with roasting, it is of the utmost importance to grind your beans as close as possible to brewing. Try to get into the habit of only grinding the exact quantity of coffee you need each time. As soon as coffee beans are broken up, their essential oils and aromatic compounds begin to deteriorate. Even within a few hours, the quality of a cup of coffee can be affected to a noticeable degree, simply for having ground your beans too early.
3) Coffee Grind Size
Each coffee brewing method calls for a different grind size. If pulling an espresso with a high-pressure machine, you’ll need grounds that have almost a powdery consistency. With French press brewing, a much coarser grind is called for. The coarseness of the grind has a major impact on the smoothness, acidity level, and general flavor of the resulting cup. All good reasons to invest in a high-quality burr coffee grinder, making it much easier to achieve the perfect grind.
4) Gram Throw
Last up, the term ‘gram throw’ is used in the industry in reference to the quantity of coffee ‘thrown’ into the filter. Depending on the brewing method and the drinker’s preferred strength, this can be anything from 7g to more than 20g per cup. But what’s important is to ensure that once you find your perfect gram throw, you keep it as consistent as possible with every subsequent cup you brew.
Stay tuned for another five essential insights on how to brew better coffee at home, coming soon...
In the meantime, at Hayman’s online coffee store you will find the best coffee beans in the world, including the best Kona coffee Hawaii produces (i.e. 100% pure Kona coffee, fresh roasted on the same day it is shipped to you). Click here to order today, we offer free worldwide shipping!