The Four Best Coffees In The World To Offer As Coffee Presents

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Christmas is around the corner and many people are already scratching their heads to find the perfect gift for their loved ones. Specialty coffee could certainly be the Christmas present you were looking for: it’s delicious, classy, and original.

Selecting the "best" coffee beans can be subjective as preferences vary, but here are four highly regarded and often sought-after ones that could certainly make excellent coffee presents or additions to coffee gift baskets:


    As mentioned earlier, Geisha coffee from Panama is renowned for its exceptional flavor profile. Its unique and complex taste, along with its limited availability, makes it one of the most luxurious and prized coffee gifts for coffee enthusiasts.


      Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee is known for its mild flavor, lack of bitterness, and unique sweetness. It is grown in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica under strict regulations, contributing to its premium status. This coffee is an excellent choice for those who prefer a smooth and well-balanced cup. 


        Kona coffee from Hawaii, specifically from the Kona district on the Big Island, is known for its smooth, rich flavor with a hint of nuttiness. Kona coffee is often considered a gourmet treat and can be a delightful addition to coffee gift baskets, or just simply offered alone.


          Ethiopian Yirgacheffe beans are celebrated for their bright acidity, floral notes, and citrusy flavors. Coffees from the Yirgacheffe region are often considered among the best in Ethiopia and are appreciated by those who enjoy a vibrant and aromatic cup.

          When selecting coffee beans for gifts, it's essential to consider the recipient's taste preferences and brewing methods. Additionally, you might want to explore specialty coffee roasters or coffee subscription services that curate high-quality beans from various origins, providing a diverse and exciting coffee experience for the recipient.

          At Hayman’s online store you will find the best coffee presents for Xmas, birthdays, Valentine's Day, and other special occasions. Check out our gourmet coffee menu (which features new coffees every month) and create the most amazing coffee gift baskets. Or save time by choosing our wonderful coffee bundles “The Legends” and “World Selection I”, which pack together several of the coffees mentioned above. All our coffees are freshly roasted and available as whole bean, ground coffee, and pods/capsules. And last but not least, they come in a beautiful box. Click HERE to order today, we offer free worldwide shipping for all purchases!