5 Coffee Gifts Not to Buy… Ever! | Coffee Gift Baskets to Avoid

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Several companies take huge pride in offering a variety of premium coffee gifts for all occasions. From coffee gift baskets to gift vouchers to creative coffee presents for the more ‘discerning’ gourmet coffee lover, they’ve got all bases covered.

Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive to pick up genuinely outstanding coffee gifts they’re guaranteed to love. It’s just that it’s surprisingly simple to walk headfirst into the same traps so many others do!

Just as some coffee gifts really are no-brainers, others are best-avoided at all costs. So if shopping for the ideal coffee presents for any coffee lover in your life, here’s a brief rundown of five extremely common gift choices we’d advise steering clear of:

1) Novelty Mugs That Can’t be Used

First up, novelty mugs come in literally all shapes and sizes imaginable. Some are as large as kitchen sinks, others are presented in weird and wonderful shapes – most are completely useless. Buy a coffee-lover a useless novelty cup and it’ll simply take up valuable space at the back of the cupboard, where it will sit unused indefinitely. Novelty coffee cups may be entertaining for about 30 seconds, but don’t necessarily make the most thoughtful or useful coffee gifts.  Try to focus on something they’ll actually use and enjoy using.

2) Bacon-Flavoured Coffee

It exists, it tastes like bacon and it’s one of the most bizarre creations ever concocted. There are some who’ll genuinely tell you they like the stuff and recommend it to others. For the other 99.9% of coffee lovers, bacon-flavoured coffee treads a fine line between niche novelty and outright abomination. In any case, they’ll taste it once at the very most and the rest will go to waste!

3) Generic Coffee Presents or Common Coffee Gift Baskets

The whole point of buying coffee gifts or coffee gift baskets is to offer the recipient something they wouldn’t normally buy themselves. Or at least, something they’d like to buy themselves, but probably haven’t. If they’re a genuine lover of gourmet coffee and all things associated, try to avoid anything generic they could easily pick up from their local store. Get a little creative with something special from an online seller.

4) Kopi Luwak Coffee

Aka cat poop coffee, Kopi Luwak Coffee isn’t particularly pleasant and is often produced with a complete lack of consideration or welfare for the animals themselves. What’s more, comparatively few coffee lovers genuinely appreciate the thought of coffee that’s passed through the digestive system of an Asian Palm Civet, hence also being called civet coffee.

5) Black Ivory Coffee

Last but not least, if the thought of drinking coffee that’s been through an Asian Palm Civet turns your stomach, how about coffee that’s been all the way through an elephant? Typically selling for somewhere in the region of around $550 per pound, it’s an overly expensive ‘treat’ most coffee lovers have absolutely no interest in trying!

At Hayman’s online coffee store you will find fabulous coffee presents for all occasions. All of our world-famous and freshly roasted gourmet coffee comes in a beautiful box, making it an original and exclusive gift – click here to order today, we offer free worldwide shipping!