Green Coffee Beans (Unroasted Coffee Beans)
Many coffee drinkers do not know that arabica coffee beans (the best of all types of coffee beans, known as gourmet coffee) are originally green in color, before turning brown with roasting.
For those coffee aficionados who want to roast their own coffee using a home coffee roaster, we offer the option green coffee beans (i.e. unroasted coffee beans / raw coffee beans) in our various products. Usually the best coffee beans are not easily available as green coffee beans, and definitely not in a small enough quantity to make sense to a non-professional buyer.
Hayman made all of our wonderful coffees available as green coffee beans and in small quantities, so that you can experiment with the coffee roasting art first hand. All of our unroasted coffee beans, or raw coffee beans, are from the most recent crop, which is a guarantee of fresh coffee, full of great aroma and flavor. Try different roasting times and temperatures to discover a preferred roasting profile for your green coffee beans!
To read our blog article about unroasted coffee beans and the new home roasting trend, click here. To learn even more about coffee roasters and how they work, click here.