Six Longstanding Coffee Myths, Busted

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The fact that coffee has been around for centuries makes the prevalence of myths and misunderstandings inevitable. Truth is, most people really don’t know their preferred black beverage quite as well as they think they do.

From the best coffee beans in the world to your standard supermarket staples, there’s more to coffee than meets the eye. Particularly when it comes to the kind of untruths that have been doing the rounds for generations, irrespective of how far from the mark they may be.

To put things into some kind of perspective, here’s a brief overview of six longstanding coffee myths, and the respective truths behind them:

Myth #1: Coffee is a diuretic.

The whole dehydration debate is one of the most widely-believed myths about coffee. While it is true that caffeine does act as a diuretic in high doses, the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee is not enough to cause dehydration. In fact, studies have shown that drinking coffee can actually help you to stay hydrated.

Myth #2: Coffee is bad for your health.

This is simply not true. While it is true that drinking too much coffee can lead to health problems, moderate consumption of coffee has been linked to numerous health benefits. Studies have shown that coffee can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. Of course, the best coffee beans in the world where health and well-being are concerned are those grown organically – no pesticides or chemicals involved.

Myth #3: Coffee is addictive.

Coffee is not addictive in the same way other substances are, like recreational drugs and alcohol. While it is true that some people may develop a dependence on coffee, this does not mean that they are addicted in the same way as someone who is addicted to a more dangerous substance.

Myth #4: Coffee stunts your growth.

Where this came from is anyone’s guess, but there are still those (quite a few, in fact) who genuinely believe that coffee can stunt your growth.  It cannot and it will not – nothing coffee contains could possibly have any such effect…period.

Myth #5: Coffee causes insomnia.

Insomnia and not being able to sleep due to having too much caffeine in your system are two completely different things. While it is true that drinking coffee can have an effect on sleep patterns, this is purely down to the temporary effects of caffeine in the bloodstream. Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that drinking coffee can actually improve sleep quality long-term.

Myth #6: Coffee causes stomach ulcers.

Whether you indulge in the best coffee beans in the world or the cheapest instant powder on the market, it’s not going to give you stomach ulcers. While it is true that coffee can aggravate existing stomach ulcers, there is no evidence to suggest that coffee can actually cause them.  If anything, the beneficial effects of coffee on the gut could help keep you protected from issues like these.

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