The Five Cornerstones of Exceptional Siphon Coffee
Get it right and the siphon coffee brewing method can result in the most fantastic cup of coffee you’ve ever tasted. Irrespective of personal opinions on the complexity of the whole thing, it’s a fact nonetheless - siphon coffee is absolutely amazing.
But just as is the case with all other coffee brewing methods, it’s far from fool-proof. Quite to the contrary, as there are plenty of things you can do (and not do) along the way to compromise the quality of the resulting brew.
Believe it or not, siphon coffee isn’t nearly as difficult to brew as it appears. Once you develop a rudimentary grasp of the basics, it’s actually quite simple.
Getting it right simply means being mindful of the most important cornerstones of quality siphon coffee. Most of which are universal and apply to all brewing methods across the board.
1) Use fresh ground coffee
It’s easy to forget that within 30 minutes of grinding coffee beans, they begin to lose their fragrance and flavor at an astonishing pace. To get the best out of your siphon, you need to ensure you grind your beans as near as possible to the time of brewing. Irrespective of the quality of the coffee in question, grinding too early is a recipe for disappointing results.
2) Use the highest quality coffee available
Speaking of which, quality coffee begins and ends with quality coffee beans. Irrespective of your preferred brewing method, you need to set yourself up with the right provisions to begin with. Siphon coffee will only ever be as good as the beans you use in the first place. If you’re going to make the effort to brew coffee in the most elaborate and theatrical manner, you may as well indulge in the best coffee beans money can buy.
3) Always filter your water (or use bottled water with a pH of 7)
It’s a point we’ve raised on countless occasions, but warrants revisiting once again. When brewing with any method, the resulting product is around 99% water and 1% coffee. The extent to which the quality of the water affects the quality of the resulting coffee therefore cannot be overstated. In addition, filtered water will make it much easier to keep the interior of your glass siphon components clean and shiny.
4) Grind your beans with a good coffee grinder
You should be aiming for a medium coarseness, similar to what you would look for when making regular drip coffee. It is also essential to ensure that your beans are ground consistently, which is something only a quality burr coffee grinder is capable of doing.
5) Carefully control the temperature
Last but not least, you need to ensure that under no circumstances does the water in the chamber reach boiling point. The key to brewing the most sumptuous siphon coffee lies in careful temperature control, holding it at just below boiling point without ever actually allowing it to boil.
To order the freshest specialty coffee for Siphon, visit Hayman’s online store. We bring you the best coffee beans in the world, including famous coffee legends like Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, best Kona coffee Hawaii, and Panama Geisha coffee beans (aka Gesha coffee) - click here to order today, we offer free worldwide shipping!